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12/07/14 High Ambitions - part 2

11/30/14 High Ambitions - part 1

11/23/14 "All In" - part 4

11/16/14 "All In" - part 3

11/09/14 "All In" - part 2

11/02/14 "All In" - part 1

10/26/14 Because I Believe

10/19/14 When Silence Is Not Golden

10/05/14 Most Important Ingredient

9/28/14 So They Say 7510kb

9/14/14 God is Watching 6143kb

9/7/14 Casting 7472 kb

8/31/14 Limited 7583 kb

8/24/14 Joseph

8/3/14 My Life of Triump

7/27/14 Sufficiency

7/20/14 Being an Enemy of Myself

7/13/14 Purpose of the Holy Spirit

6/22/14 The Holy Spirit - part 4

6/15/14 The Holy Spirit - part 3

6/8/14 The Holy Spirit - part 2

6/1/14 The Holy Spirit - part 1

05/25/14 You Must Position Yourself

5/21/14 What is God Will-part 2

5/14/14 What's God's Will for Me-p1

5/11/14 You May Begin

5/4/13 Making the Enemy-Hands Off

04/27/14 Basic Instinct

04/20/14 Easter Sermon - Family

04/06/14 Here Comes the Bride-pt 5

03/30/14 Here Comes the Bride-pt 4

3/23/14 Here Comes the Bride-pt3

3/16/14 Here Comes the Bride-p.2

03/09/14 Here Comes The Bride-p.1

03/02/14 Winning at every level

02/16/14 The Grain Offering 5641k

02/09/14 Under the Tree 8339kb

2/2/14 Put Him On

1/26/14 Sometimes It's Complicated

1/19/14 The Investor God

1/12/14 You're On A Deadline

01/05/14 New Testament Tithing

12/2913 Extraordinary vs Ordinary

12/22/13 Talking 6478 kb

12/15/13 A Living Hope 5228 kb

12/8/13 Necessities p1-The Sabbath

12/1/13 What does the devil want?

11/24/13 What does God want from me

11/17/13 What are you Looking At?

11/10/13 Your Steps 6096 kb

11/3/13 When I Become It

10/20/13 Last Time I Went to Church

10/13/13 Recognize 7092k

10/5/13 Worried and Anxious

09/15/13 The Name: All Seasons

09/08/13 ANGER 8000kb

9/1/13 Not Good Enough

8/25/13 Dealing with Depression

8/18/13 God's Exit Strategy 2

08/11/13 God's Exit Strategy I

04/28/13 What is Going On up There?

04/21/13 It's in the Small Things

04/14/13 It Never Goes on Sale 7733

04/07/13 I'm Getting Married 6859k

3/31/13 The Fact Is! 5862 kb

03/24/13 Why Does the Praises Stop

02/24/13 Steps of a Good Foundation

02/17/13 You Are What You Think

01/27/13 I Will, even if you Won't

01/13/13 Sound of Abundant Rain

01/06/13 Touched 5567 kb

12/16/12 A Land that Devours 5562k

12/9/12 Delayed Gratification 8092k

11/25/12 I'm Going To! 7188 kb

11/18/12 Then You'll Stop Bearing!

11/11/12 Have You Shocked Yourself

10/28/12 Staked Out 6057kb

10/21/12 Decisions, Decisions 5952k

10/14/12 Words I Never Use 21,766k

10/07/12 I Confess 6077 kb

09/30/12 Those Same Hands 5486

09/9/12 It Just Takes a Little

09/02/12 What's it Worth to You?



02/15/09 Do You want to be Happy?

02/22/09 Keep on Dreaming 7961kb

03/09 You Have an Awesome Friend

01/31/10 Best is Yet to Come 5777kb

05/02/10 Lifes Boudin Salsa 7359kb

05/09/10 GPS of your Life 7273kb

05/16/10 Life is Experiences 7446kb

05/30/10 Fighting for the Family

06/06/10 Endurance Shannon Kendall

06/13/10 Put on Some New Clothes

06/20/10 How Are You Connected Jim Dilley 4457kb

06/27/10 Who Do You Listen To? Doug Rouse 4085kb

07/04/10 The 4th of July 7753kb

07/11/10 The Dreamer Gary Taylor

07/18/10 Close Encounters of the Best Kind

07/25/10 If God Be For Us 6011kb

08/08/10 Barefoot & Pregnant 5508kb

8/15/10 Barefoot&Pregnant II 6057

08/22/10 Axes & Video 5223 kb

8/29/10 Holy Spirit Study I 7880 kb

09/05/10 Holy Spirit Study II 6526

09/12/10 Holy Spirit Study III 7203

09/19/10 Holy Spirit Study IV 7377k

9/08/10 Who is God Looking For7944

10/03/10 When I Am Weak 5903kb

10/10/10 Your Potential 5409 kb

10/17/10 Breakthrough Is Close 5350

10/24/10 Faith & Patience 6577kb

10/31/10 Circles 5615kb

11/07/10 Will, Won't, Can't 5111 kb

11/14/10 Only My Best P.1 7028 kb

11/21/10 Only My Best II 5463kb

11/28.10 Kick'n,Beat'n,Stab'n 6810k

12/05/10 Just Straighten Up 4444kb

12/12/10 Built to Minister 5090 kb

12/19/10Vital Signs of Servants6620

What it looks like to Serve 5730 kb

01/02/11 Get a Grip-Bro Rouse 4772

1/9/11 Extreme Makeover 1 5772kb

1/16/11 Extreme Makeover 2 6488kb

1/23/11 Extreme Makeover 3 5345 kb

01/30/11 Extreme Makeover 4 6691kb

02/06/11 Extreme Makeover 5 7083kb

02/13/11 Faith 6901 kb

02/20/11 Symbolic Action 5420 kb

03/02/11 Worship,Walk,Work 8038kb

03/06/11Kings,Priests,Prophets 7605

03/20/11 What Are You Full Of? 5249

3/27/11 What Are You Full Of? P2

04/03/11 You Need A Baby 5915kb

04/10/11 Change Part 1 6542 kb

04/17/11 Change Part 2 5866 kb

04/24/11 Pedigod 5730 kb

05/01/11 Learning to Hear 6312 kb

05/08/11 Collision- 2 Kingdoms 4867

05/15/11 Sectarianism 5064 kb

05/22/11 Set Free 4491kb

05/29/11-7 Steps to victory p1 6743

06/05/11-7 Steps to Victory p2 5665

06/12/11-7 Steps to Victory p3 6032

06/26/11- 7 Steps to Victory p. 5-7

07/03/11 Crazy Faith 4463kb

07/31/11 First Love 5432 kb

08/28/11 Born a Peacemaker 7098kb

9/4/11 Reflective or Prophetic 6177

9/10/11 Power thru Prayer 6005 kb

9/11/11 Breaking from Fear 5043 kb

9/18/11 Serving the King 4769 kb

9/25/11 I have desires, you know

10/02/11 Let Me Be One 6066kb

10/09/11 Altered Direction 6680kb

10/23/11 - Perfect Peace 6003 kb

10/30/11 It's in the Box 7352 kb

11/6/11 Planted 5334kb

11/20/11 Are You Man Enough 6182 kb

11/27/11 It's in the House 6194kb

12/4/11 If God Wrote Your Book 4746

12/11/11Lets Get Something Straight

12/18/11 What do you call it? 6782

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