You have found a website dedicated to the Truth of the Cross and the Word of God. May you be blessed with the Good
News that Jesus Christ is the SON of GOD, and that he has REDEEMED the Souls of all men in the 1st Redemption of the Cross! There
is yet a 2nd Redemption to come, when Jesus returns in the Rapture to REDEEM our corruptible earthly bodies
and change them to GLORIOUS incorruptible heavenly bodies, that will be like his own in Heaven for all
those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.
The KINGDOM OF GOD e-book presented here is a summary of three softcover books
that are now available or will soon be available to purchase by mail or online on a different website. At the present
time only one of the books is available for purchase. It is called THE KINGDOM OF GOD and can be ordered from "HIS GLORY LIVES PUBLISHING website" www.hisglorylivespublishing.com. This link is provided to their website for the purpose of furthering the gospel message.
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All material provided of books available by HIS GLORY LIVES PUBLISHING are posted by permission and is protected by copyright
An in-depth study of the meaning of the term:
KINGDOM OF GOD, which Jesus used more than any other in the Bible. When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom, He gave stern warnings
of the dangers of not understanding it and thereby losing it. The tragic result of this loss has eternal consequences. A recent
interview on a Christian Network devoted a complete program to the subject with various theologians giving their interpretations
to the question posed by the title of this book. It was amazing to hear the various answers that each gave, such as: Personal
anointing in one’s ministry; manifestation of God’s Presence in miracles and signs; fruitfulness and prosperity
in living. While each of these answers is noteworthy, it seems the answers give more tribute to the believer than to the ONE
in whom we believe.
It is critical that the Christian understand WHO Jesus meant when He spoke of this term. Many
believe it is a “What”, as the title alludes. The reality of the question should be “WHO” is the KINGDOM
OF GOD? God’s Kingdom has many blessings, but the Presence of God Himself is the true meaning of the term: KINGDOM OF
GOD. The result of having HIM will bring about all that is GOOD into one’s life, while on the Earth and, in the future
abode of Heaven. One cannot receive “things” God has in His Kingdom until they first have HIM.
12: 31 ‘seek ye first the KINGDOM OF GOD; and all these things shall be added unto you.’
The miraculous
Presence of GOD in the Godhead: the Father; the Son; and the Holy Spirit is available to all who SEEK HIM. Receiving the KINGDOM
OF GOD is: God’s Presence in the SOUL of the believer and having a personal and physical relationship with God, whether
now on this Earth or in Heaven. Jesus gave the most important clue in John 4:23-24 as to WHO the KINGDOM OF GOD is: ‘true
worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit:
and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.’ KJV